All fanfics were submitted by Kyo Fan Club members and are copyright to the respective authors. If you like it, review it! They'd love to know!

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Fanfiction Guidelines:

1) Fanfiction must focus on Kyo or have him play a significant role in the fic.

2) Ratings range from G - R. If an NC-17 scene (i.e. a sex scene) is in a mainly PG-13 fic that's okay, just make sure to give the readers proper warnings beforehand. Readers can react very strongly to things such as rape, NCS, suicide, etc... So be considerate and warn them beforehand!

3) Send your fanfiction to me as a .txt, .doc, or (even better) an html attachment.

In the email please contain the following information:

Title: Your fic's name
Author: Your name
Genre: Romance, angst, AU, etc...
Rating: G, PG, PG-13, R
Pairings: Kyo x Tohru, Yuki x Tohru, Haru x Yuki, etc...
Warnings: You MUST let the readers know what they've stumbled into, whether it be major sap or NCS.

4) My life is hectic and I will try to have new fics up within a month of recieving it. Don't freak out if you don't see your fic up right away, but if a month passes and I still haven't put it up, kindly e-mail me with a reminder and I'll see what I can do ^_~.

5) FINISH YOUR FICS!!! If an unfinished fic hasn't been updated within a year and one month it will automatically be deleted off the site. Keep me informed about them so this doesn't happen to you!

6) DO NOT FLAME THE AUTHORS!!! Flaming someone is immature, shameful, and unexcusable on this site. If you are a fellow author/artist/KFC member of this site all your work will immediatly be taken off the site and you will loose your membership as a member of KFC.

Now, onto the fics!

Undying Love

By Eraya

Rating: PG. Genre: Angst/Drama. Pairings: One-sided Kagura x Kyo, mention of one-sided Kyo x Tohru. Warnings: Mega spoilers about Kyo if you haven't seen the last three episodes of the anime.

Published: 7/12/03. Updated: None. Status: Finished.

Summary: Kagura's thoughts and memories on the night that Kyo's 'true' form was revealed.



By Eraya

Rating: PG. Genre: Angst/Fluff. Pairings: Mention of one-sided Yuki x Tohru; one-sided Kyo x Tohru (or actual Kyo x Tohru, I leave it for you to decide ^_~). Warnings: Slight spoiler about Kyo if you haven't seen the last three episodes of the anime. Author's Notes: Dedicated to my beloved friend Sharnay in honor of her 17th birthday!

Published: 5/14/04. Updated: None. Status: Finished.

Summary: "I didn’t know how to describe the sensation I felt in the pit of my stomach every time I saw her, except that it felt as if I had swallowed a million butterflies. A tickling, tingling sensation promoting the moods of apprehension, fear, and excitement." --Kyo's point of view.


Promised Friendship

By Jeva

Rating: PG. Genre: General. Pairings: Hinting of Kyo x Tohru. Warnings: Contains some information from recent chapters of the manga.

Published: 7/23/04. Updated: None. Status: Finished.

Summary: Kyo Sohma met Kyoko Honda long before meeting her daughter Tohru. Could that meeting be the reason why Kyo tries so hard to be close to Tohru? As...perhaps...her friend?



By Naraku's Miasma

Rating: PG. Genre: Romance/Fluffy. Pairings: Kyo x Tohru. Warnings: Spoilers for episodes 12, 24, 25, and 26 of the anime.

Published: 7/23/04. Updated: None. Status: Finished.

Summary: "You don't need to take it from…from them!" he said. He was angry. His voice was tight and she knew he was trying very hard to keep his emotions together, for both of them. "Those girls might hate you, but it's because of that damn rat!"



© 2004 Kyotopia is a Lightina Production. Fruits Basket copyright to Natusuki Takaya. All fan art and fan fiction belongs to their respectable owners. All rights reserved.