All fan art was made by members of the Kyo Fan Club (KFC) and are copyright to their respective artists. If you like their work, drop them an e-mail! They'd love to hear it!

#|A|B|C|D|E|F|G|H|I|J|K|L|M|N|O|P|Q|R|S|T|U|V |W|X|Y|Z|

Submitting Artwork:

1.) Artwork must be of Kyo or others and Kyo.

2.) Artwork must be at least inked or heavily shaded. Basically, people need to be able to see it; if you scan into your pc and it's visible then that's fine ^_~.

3.) No explicit graphic images allowed (i.e. hentai or things that would generally be rated NC-17). This gallery is open to everyone and so it should stay friendly to everyone.

4.) Send your artwork to me as an attachment no bigger than 8in x 11in (be aware that the image will most likely have been shrunk before it's reached the website). If you have a link where I can get your artwork that would be even better!

In the email please contain the following information:

Title: Your artwork's name
Artist: Your name
Type: Colored/inked/wallpaper/digital
E-mail: Your e-mail address
Website: Your website

5.) My life is hectic and I will try to have new artwork up within a month of recieving it. Don't freak out if you don't see your artwork up right away, but if a month passes and I still haven't put it up, kindly <email me with a reminder and I'll see what I can do ^_~.

Now, onto the art!

Name: Eraya
Website: Anime-Zing!
Art Specialty: Color Pencil

Kyo and little kitty drapped on shoulders.   Published March 16, 2004 Kyo in his KFC Uniform.  Published March 16, 2004

Name: Lene
Website: Lene's Fan Art (the site is all in German, but easy to navigate ^_~)
Art Specialty: Water Color

The opening picture of the site in all it's glory.  Published July 2004


© 2004 Kyotopia is a Lightina Production. Fruits Basket copyright to Natusuki Takaya. All fan art and fan fiction belongs to their respectable owners. All rights reserved.